Cantaloupe Ice Cream

Every year, my garden produces an abundance of beautiful cantaloupes. I use them in fruit salads and soups, and alone as a light breakfast, but my favorite cantaloupe recipe is one I developed for my most recent book, Recipes and Tips for Sustainable Living: homemade cantaloupe ice cream! Now, cantaloupe...

How to grow tomatoes in hot weather

When days hit 85°F to 90°F and nights hover above 75°F, tomato flowers often fail to pollinate, then drop—which in turn puts new fruit production on hold. The longer the heat lasts, the longer those tomato flowers will continue to hit the pause button. But don't throw in the harvest...

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

So how do you protect your growing space without having to turn it into Fort Knox? We’ve got 8 squirrel-fighting strategies to try right now. (Squirrels not your problem? Check out our articles on how to keep your garden safe from deer, rabbits, and voles, too.)